Mentoring Program
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Kidney Kids & Siblings
Kidney Kids and siblings (separately) need a space where they can get together with peers to discuss things related to this diagnosis, whether it is their diagnosis or their sibling. We provide that space. In addition to sharing with each other, we will also provide some brief education on a different topic each month, such as: Self esteem, Independence, Health Awareness, Mindfulness, etc. Click HERE to register your child!
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Paired & Group Mentoring
Adolescents and teenagers with CKD have unique needs, which we aim to address through a one-on-one peer mentoring program this upcoming year. Each mentor and mentee will be paired with consideration to their history and needs. All mentors will receive thorough training in effective and appropriate communication strategies and will report regularly to NWKK staff. We aim to provide additional and individualized support to older kids with kidney disease, to promote improved health outcomes Click HERE to register your child!
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Parent Mentor Program
Our New Parent Mentoring Program pairs newly diagnosed families with families who have been diagnosed longer. This allows the new families to learn alot and have a support system put into place with someone who has gone through the same or similar things. If you are interested in being part of our New Parent Mentoring Program, either as a New Parent or an Existing Parent, please fill out the form HERE |