"It Matters"
It Matters campaign highlights the stories that inspire us to keep going.
At Northwest Kidney Kids, we believe that every child and family facing the challenges of kidney disease deserves a community where they feel supported, understood, and empowered. NWKK has become an essential lifeline for countless families, offering hope, connection, and care. We warmly invite you to discover the heartfelt stories of our families and see firsthand why NWKK matters so deeply to them. These stories of resilience and hope inspire us every day, and we hope they will move you just as much as they’ve touched our hearts.
En Northwest Kidney Kids, creemos que cada niño y familia que enfrenta los desafíos de la enfermedad renal merece una comunidad donde se sienta apoyado, comprendido y empoderado. Para innumerables familias, NWKK se ha convertido en ese salvavidas esencial que ofrece esperanza, conexión y atención. Te invitamos a descubrir las historias de nuestras familias y a ver de primera mano por qué NWKK les importa tanto. Estas historias de resiliencia y esperanza nos inspiran todos los días y esperamos que los conmuevan tanto como han tocado nuestros corazones.
 Lucas Read more about the Lucas
“I am so excited I was able and had the opportunity to be a counselor. It was a very emotional experience for me. I miss the times when I used to go to kidney camp. It just wasn't my cup of tea when I got older and I wish I would've kept going. I felt so connected with all the other counselors, yet very left out all at the same time. It was a bittersweet experience for me because I was able to connect with all the other kids and counselors, and at the same time it seems like all the counselors knew each other since they were young kids. And I think that's amazing!! As soon as I got home, I told both my parents about the amazing experience I had and we all agreed that I should be involved with Northwest kidney kids as much as possible!”
-Lucas Kidney Kid / Camp Counselor |
 Nevaeh Read more about the Nevaeh
"As a young adult now facing end-stage renal failure, it can be isolating to find meaningful connections with people my age going through the same thing. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is often portrayed as an “older person’s illness” in the media, but that’s not the full picture. NW Kidney Kids gives young people like me a place to belong, where we can connect with others who share our journey, and where we can just be ourselves."
-Nevaeh Kidney Kid /Camp Counselor |
 Hailey Read more about the Hailey
"Hailey was born with a serious heart condition and went through five open-heart surgeries in her life. The medications that kept her heart going eventually caused her kidneys to fail, and she had to do dialysis for over a year. Even with all these challenges, she faced every day with courage and a bright smile. One of the happiest times in Hailey’s life was last summer when she went to kidney camp. It was life-changing for her. For the first time, she met other kids who were also kidney warriors. She didn’t feel alone anymore. She made friends, laughed, and found hope for her future. That camp gave her strength not just for her body but for her heart and mind. Programs like these remind kids that they are not alone and that they have a community that cares."
-Yeicell Kidney Mom |
 Lynn Family Read more about the Lynn Family
“NW Kidney Kids matters to me because I get to have fun! Normally the attention is on my sister, but here (at Kidney Camp) we both get the attention we need.”
-Addie L. Sibling |
 Lee Family Read more about the Lee Family
“As a pediatric provider, I embrace NWKK’s mission to empower kidney kids for lifelong success - to confidently achieve their goals supported by a community of their peers. I believe It Matters”
-Joyce Lee, MD |
 Lamb Family Read more about the Lamb Family
“This is what my family needed. Just to be seen and know that there are other people out there and that they can understand my sons needs and my own parent needs. This is NW Kidney Kids.”
-Kimarie Lamb Kidney Mom |
 Garrido Family Read more about the Garrido Family
“We found that NW Kidney Kids is a great organization to be a part of. Welcoming, loving, joyful, and family felt group. We love the activities that are planned throughout the year. Family camp was by far our favorite. We can't wait for next year and many more years to come.
Being a part of NW Kidney Kids lets us know that we are not alone. There are families that help us explore and know what our kidney kid is going through, and as a family we help each other get through it.”
-The Garrido Family |
 Watson Family Read more about the Watson Family
“As a parent of a 22 year old born in kidney failure and transplanted at age 16 I have seen NWKK play a big role in his life. Dakota growing up always wanted to know people who were “like him.” That mattered to him so much. When he started at NWKK, it was first as a kid who donated his 4H market sale money to them because he longed to be a part of that group. When he started attending camps I saw his self esteem and his mental health improve drastically. He finally had found “his people.” He made fast, long lasting friendships that will last him a lifetime.”
-Samantha Watson Kidney Mom |
 Gentry Family Read more about the Gentry Family
“We found it so meaningful to connect with other families and counselors who have been on a similar medical path. Your wonderfully encouraging community makes the kidney journey feel less lonely. Seeing our daughter compare similar kidney scars with a fellow kidney kid brought tears to my eyes.”
-Ann & Dale Gentry Kidney Parents |
 Abebe and Gessesse Family Read more about the Abebe and Gessesse Family
“Northwest kidney kids matters to me and my families because it gives us the light through the tunnel and gives us confidence. When my son was diagnosed with stage four kidney disease, I didn’t think he would beat the challenges and would grow and thrive this well. After I got introduced to Northwest kidney kids, I got to see other families and kids who went through the same challenge my son did, seeing them grow and become adults gave me a great hope.
They made a big difference on how I dealt with my sons' health issues and difficulties. They mean a lot to me and my children because they showed us our challenge is not only ours and how to have fun through difficult times. Most of all they made it easy for my other children to deal with their brother’s illness, how to cope with the difficult time spent in the hospital and helped him understand all his medical procedures and surgeries, along with caring and playing with him.
Donation helps NW Kidney Kids to raise awareness, plan social gatherings for families like us to get together, share information, resources, and proper education along helping us cope and release our stress. Being a part of this group, I have learned to accept my son’s medical problem and deal with it without forgetting my other children’s needs so that it doesn’t impact the rest of my families' daily activities, and also not to forget to take care of myself.
Most importantly, I learned that I’m not alone in this challenge. NW Kidney Kids has a strong effect on most of us because of the education and resources. They provide to us the social and emotional support group for both parents and children, and it is a significant support for families like us. Our family always looks forward to all events and activities provided by NW Kidney Kids. We always feel welcome and connected with other families.
They give us a chance to be involved in this community.”
-Yeshi Kidney Mom |
 Crandall Family Read more about the Crandall Family
“I had a few friends with babies the same age as E and they would fret over little baby glurps or spit ups. And it was mostly about outfits that now "needed" changing. And I couldn't relate. My baby threw up all the time. I could catch it in my cupped hand or it would be so much that it would spill over. My mother-in-law made me "thirsty" or extra absorbent burp cloths to help "catch" everything. I usually used multiple thirsty burp cloths. Afterwards, I would have to fret about if he was keeping enough down. After months of trying things, we discovered that E's body was really sensitive to being dehydrated and throwing up was an indicator he didn't have enough water. With the help of a g-tube we were able keep E's body and Kidney happy with a large amount of water.
My Family and I were invited to NW Kidney Kids Family camp when E was 3 by recommendation of our Doctor. I remember sitting at breakfast the first morning with my 3 year old and a baby and a couple who had older kids joined us and asked us our story and what brought us there. When the topic of throwing up came up, they were like "oh, so much throw up!" They got it! We talked about g-tubes and fluid goals and I felt so much relief that they knew what I was talking about. Connections like that are what makes what NW Kidney Kids matter. As a parent, I have friendships and support from people with personal experience. I can talk to them about the things that are different for families not living with a child with chronic kidney disease that are just normal for us.
A Kidney Transplant has been in my son's future since the day he was born. I can only describe it as like having a ticking time bomb over your head but you don't know how much time is left or how fast it's going. But after being involved in NW Kidney Kids for the last 5 years, I'm not panicking about what is going to happen when my son's kidney (yes only 1) tuckers out. I have friends whose child has done dialysis, families who have waited for THE call, or one that has gone through the process to donate to their child. They're open about the ups and downs- physically and emotionally. With NW Kidney Kids, I not only have the parental knowledge from the experiences of others but I also get to see the other side of transplant. There are the most remarkable kids and volunteers post-transplant living their best lives. ”
-Whitney Crandall Kidney Mom |